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Hoppes BR916 BenchRest 9 Copper Solvent Pint in Albany, Georgia For Sale

Price: $16
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.

Formulated especially for bench rest shooters, Bench Rest-9 is the standard by which all copper solvents are judged. Bench Rest-9 makes it possible for bench rest shooters and serious hunters to clean their bores of copper fouling overnight...instead of 3 or 4 days. Powerful, safe and fast, and contains no abrasives. It is also great for removing powder, lead and plastic fouling from all shotguns, pistols and revolvers.
Manufacturer: Hoppe'S
Model: BR916
Condition: New
Price: $16.09
Availability: In Stock

State: Georgia  City: Albany  Category: Sport
Sport in Georgia for sale

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